International air cargo transportation is regulated by:
International air cargo rules.
The laws of the country from whose territory the transportation is carried out (Air Code of Ukraine).
The laws of the country to which the goods are being transported.
Internal rules and regulations of the carrier company.
The cost of air transportation depends on a number of factors:
Weight (actual and volumetric) and product characteristics.
The type of aircraft transporting.
The distance to be transported.
Fuel surcharge prices.
Additional security fees.
How is customs clearance of a car calculated in Ukraine? The price is calculated based on the following factors:
the cost of the car;
age and mileage of the car;
engine type and size.
The price includes taxes (excise duty, customs duty and VAT) and obligatory payments (to the Pension Fund, transport tax and registration fee).
Customs clearance of a car in Ukraine takes up to three working days and depends on the workload of customs.
The answer to the question of how much customs clearance of a car from Germany costs depends on the following factors:
type, engine size;
the market value of the car;
the number of years of the car;
availability of privileges for the owner.
For cars imported from the EU, a 4.5% customs duty rate is set. If there is an electric motor, the owner does not pay VAT. Participants in hostilities have benefits when importing vehicles.
Many countries use electronic declaration. Ukraine is no exception.
Advantages of electronic declaration for the state:
reducing the burden on customs from reducing the downtime of vehicles on it;
optimization of workflow;
reducing the corruption component of the process of passing customs control.
Benefits of electronic declaration for the cargo owner:
saving time and money on the customs clearance process;
speeding up the procedure for passing goods across the border;
the ability to track all stages of the movement of goods online on a computer in your office.
Electronic customs declaration takes place in several stages:
collection of documents necessary for declaring;
preparation of an electronic declaration using special software;
sending an electronic declaration for consideration by the customs authorities;
assignment of an individual number to the document and registration of information about it in the State Customs Service.
If the electronic declaration for goods is filled out correctly and does not contain errors, the owner has paid all the required fees and fulfilled the conditions of non-tariff regulation, the decision to let the goods through the customs border is made within four working days.
The procedure for exporting goods takes place in several stages:
the owner or his authorized representative transfers the exported cargo for customs inspection;
the owner or his authorized representative submits a declaration and other necessary documents;
customs representatives check the admissibility of exporting this category of goods outside the territory of Ukraine and conduct a physical examination of the cargo;
the exporter pays the customs duty.
When asked what documents are needed to export goods from Ukraine, experts name two lists:
main – documents that are provided by everyone involved in export (confirmation of ownership of the goods, export declaration, declaration of value, etc.);
additional – documents required by the customs authorities, depending on the specifics of the exported goods (security certificates, passports, licenses, etc.).
According to Article 247 of the “Customs Code of Ukraine”, round-the-clock customs clearance (export) takes place at the checkpoint through the state customs or during the working day at the location of the relevant divisions of the customs authorities.
Customs clearance is a process of taking goods through the customs authority to facilitate the movement of cargo outside the country (export). The customs clearance means a document issued by the customs authority to a shipper indicating that all duties have been paid and the shipper’s goods is cleared for export.
Customs clearance consists of several successive stages:
For customs clearance of imports, you must provide:
In addition, the customs inspector may request additional documents, depending on the UKT ZED code.
For customs clearance of goods, a customs declaration is filled out and duties, taxes and excise duties are paid. The amount of fees and the list of required permits is determined by the legislation of Ukraine.
Any goods that are imported into the territory of Ukraine must go through customs clearance. To do this, you need to determine the UKT ZED code of the imported goods, prepare the appropriate permits according to the code, fill out a customs declaration and pay the necessary duties, fees and taxes. After that, the imported goods are put into circulation on the territory of Ukraine.
The amount of customs payments is calculated based on the value of the cargo under the contract, as well as customs and non-customs payments for each Ukrainian classification of foreighn economics goods (UCT ZED) code, determined by the legislation of Ukraine.
For customs declaration, you must provide an invoice with the specified names and value of the goods. In addition to the invoice, the composition of the set of documents depends on the Ukrainian classification of foreighn economics goods (UCT ZED) code and the norms of tariff and non-tariff regulation defined for this group of goods.
The customs clearance process consists of several stages: the choice of the customs regime, the determination of the Ukrainian classification of foreighn economics goods (UCT ZED) code, the preparation of a package of permits, the declaration procedure, payment of the necessary fees and duties, and the release of goods for free circulation.
Customs clearance services are provided by customs brokers. Experienced specialists from ImEx Solutions will help you go through the cargo clearance procedure quickly and at no additional cost.
Customs clearance is the procedure for registration and assessment of cargo when moving across the border of Ukraine, as well as payment of all duties, taxes and fees provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.
You can check the accreditation data in the «Single Window for International Trade» on the web portal of the State Customs Service of Ukraine. In the drop-down menu «Registers and public information» there is a page «Persons who carry out operations with goods». On this page, you can search the customs register for the following fields: Name, Account number, Tax number or passport number.