What Does a Customs Broker Do?

Navigating customs procedures independently can pose significant challenges, especially for those lacking experience in this process. There are many questions about correctly filling out documents, calculating customs duties, classifying cargo, and other aspects. In such cases, it is advisable to turn to specialized companies that provide customs brokerage services.

Customs broker

Who is a Customs Broker?

A customs broker acts as an intermediary between customs authorities and their employer, assisting clients in correctly completing cargo documents and going through all necessary customs procedures. Customs brokers are well-versed in customs laws and regulations, enabling them to provide professional services in this field. This helps clients avoid bureaucratic errors and minimize the costs and time needed for cargo clearance.


Customs Clearance

The customs clearance procedure consists of several key stages, each requiring specific knowledge and skills. Customs brokers help their clients go through this process as quickly and smoothly as possible, addressing issues such as:

списокAssistance with Accreditation Documents: This step is essential for companies engaging in foreign economic activity (FEA) for the first time.
списокFiling Customs Declarations: A customs broker assists in completing the customs declaration in accordance with legal requirements.
списокObtaining an FEA Contract: The foreign economic activity contract is an important document that regulates trade conditions between parties. A specialist aids in preparing this document following international standards.
списокClassifying Cargo by the UCC FEA: Correct classification of goods under the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity (UCC FEA) is crucial for accurate customs duty calculation. An expert helps determine the right code for each product.
списокCustoms Clearance: This process includes completing all necessary procedures to release goods into free circulation.
списокCalculating Payments Based on the Type of Goods: A customs clearance specialist helps calculate all necessary payments, including duties, VAT, and excise taxes, allowing clients to avoid additional costs and unforeseen financial obligations.



Additionally, the services of a customs broker cover other, more specialized tasks:

  1. Handling Permits and Certificates:
  • Permit from the Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies
  • Product conformity certificate
  • Quarantine certificate
  • Certificate of origin
  • Permit for transporting dangerous goods, among others.
  1. Checking the Correctness of Document Preparation:
  • Invoice
  • Packing list
  • FEA contract
  • Transport documents
  • Accompanying documents for non-tariff regulation, among others.

A customs broker can also address tasks related to transporting oversized and hazardous cargo by various certified means, such as air freight, rail, maritime, container, and road transport. They provide forwarding and logistics services, including route planning, ensuring cargo safety, and monitoring its movement.

customs clearance

Brokerage Company

A company that provides customs brokerage services is a reliable partner in the customs clearance process. Such a company offers the experience and knowledge necessary to effectively resolve any customs-related issues. For example, the Ukrainian brokerage company Imex Solution offers a wide range of customs services, enabling clients to efficiently and quickly go through customs procedures.

Consultation of specialists


Customs Clearance Procedure

The responsibility of a customs broker is a crucial component of successfully navigating customs procedures. Engaging the services of professionals, such as Imex Solution, ensures the reliability and efficiency of cargo customs clearance. Customs brokers help minimize risks, reduce the time spent on customs procedures, and avoid potential legal issues. Utilize professional services to ensure smooth customs processing for your business.